
Puck Duives

Puck has always had an eager interest in learning, about everything preferably. But from the moment she saw a video of a turtle struggling with a plastic straw in its nose, she knew she wanted to put multidisciplinary knowledge into practice for a more sustainable world. Therefore, she opted for the bachelor Global Sustainability Science. And as her dad has his own company, she has always had an interest in the business world as well. She even started with ‘fake writing’ at his desk when she was only 3 years old. This made her enroll in my current master Strategic Management in Rotterdam, as she believes sustainable change can be sparked in the business world. Next to this, in her youth Puck had a love for Harry Potter, you can tell by the fact that she knows most spells by heart. Dancing has also been a passion of hers, ranging from ballet and pointe dancing to Hip-Hop. Furthermore, her parents have taken her to many places worldwide since she was young, which triggered her interest in different cultures, sustainability and traveling. Due to traveling her favorite hobby at the moment is surfing, and her favorite place at all times is the beach.