Your master plan to change the world is ready

Your master plan to change the world is ready

by ftrprf

When the Millennium Development Goals were evaluated, it became clear that - among other things - changing the future (which was the goal) will only succeed if citizens and governments participate, but also companies (and - we assume - therefore also consumers). Companies can establish enormous change. By purchasing differently, producing differently, employing other people, and so on, and so on. 

More and more companies want to establish real change. And change themselves. A vast number of businesses is looking toward the future. If you're not one of them: how can you do it? Where do you start? What topics should you include? And how do you know if you are moving in the right direction? Where can you get a blueprint?

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There is a simple answer to all those questions: join UN Global Compact. Today, (August 26, 2020) the number of affiliated companies is 178. We are one of them. Together we are more substantial. And with a big brother like the UN, your influence suddenly becomes a lot bigger and more critical. Does it still seem complicated to you? Global Compact has a complete academy, where you will find all the information you could wish for, on all subjects you can think of. Just sign up for a module, and your expertise will grow by the minute.

The UN master plan deals with 17 areas in which things can be done differently. Better. Together. We can try to elaborate on them all, but the UN themselves are much better at that. Click the image to watch their video.