7 min read

Intellectual Pluralism: Fostering Environments Where Opposing Views Can Coexist

18.02.25 | Bregje Verhoeven

The debate between woke ideologies and academic freedom has emerged as a central topic in the academic world. In this debate woke is defined as a larger movement aimed at recognizing systemic injustices to reach political correctness and a more equal society (1). Driven by progressive activism, students as well as scholars have sought to change dominant discourses within universities and the injustices inherent within them. However, this movement has sparked backlash with the rise of anti-woke movements, challenging and questioning woke stances by arguing that these political perspectives lead to ideological conformity that threatens freedom of speech. In their opinion, this challenges the nature of academia, which should allow for critical self–thought (2).

As a result of these countermovements, academic fields have become caught in a crossfire between different ideologies and the battlefield of protest (3). Within this dispute, the question arises: should the academic world distance itself from ideological debates or foster environments where opposing views can coexist?

Academic freedom: the foundation for knowledge and personal growth

Universities traditionally strive to acquire, refine, and share knowledge. This implies that their primary focus is epistemic (4). To achieve this, academic freedom—unrestricted research and inquiry free from external influence—is essential. Through this academic freedom, students gain freedom of education, allowing them to reflect, develop their own core beliefs and values (5), and apply these to their individual lives. Education in that sense, functions as a tool for individuals to freely experiment in creating, strengthening, or altering these values. Therefore it can be said that universities aim to pass on the world to young people, inviting and encouraging them to engage with it in their individual way (6).

Given this academic freedom, Musa al-Gharbi observes that it is no surprise universities have become centers of ideological battles (7). However, this raises important questions: How should universities navigate these ongoing debates? Who determines which voices are heard and hold influence (8)? Al-Gharbi argues that rather than suppressing disagreements, universities should actively facilitate open dialogue and debate among students."

The rise of woke in academia

In recent years, the reshaping of institutional norms and policies has become more visible. The rise of the term ‘woke ideology’ has shifted the above explained friction, as activism increasingly moves beyond challenging ideas to actively redefining institutional structures and policies. The word ‘woke’ originates from African American communities in the twentieth century as a call for awareness against racial injustices. Over time, the word has evolved into a larger movement recognizing systemic injustices to reach political correctness and a more equal society (9). The growth of this term within academia has been visible through the increase in student-led demonstrations (10), demanding institutional stances on political and social issues (11). In Dutch universities, for example, these protests have expanded from protests against high budget cuts in education to calls for severing universities ties with Israel in response to the Gaza conflict (12).

While these movements aim to advance justice and equality, some scholars argue that they form a threat to academic freedom (13). Gerdien Bertram-Troost explains that the woke movements carry the risk of implicitly passing on (if not imposing) a particular view of humanity to young people without inviting or encouraging them to engage with it and forming their own opinions (14). From this perspective, it can be argued that calls for social justice and taking a political stance have led to the exclusion of dissenting views and weakened the incentive for open debate (15).

The backlash against ‘woke’ — the rise of anti-woke

These concerns towards woke movements have over the years been clustered in an own opposition group, referred to as ‘anti-woke’. The anti–woke movement believes academia should allow for open discussions and academic freedom, that allows for an unbiased climate (16). Anti–woke supporter Floris van den Berg argues that intolerant ‘wokism’ silences and cancels those with a different opinion or viewpoint, imposing ideological rigidity (17). ‘If you are pro–Trump or a Climate critic, you are in for a tough time’ (18). Through silencing those with opposing views, academia becomes increasingly dictated by prescribed political views (19). The anti-woke movement has gained significant traction within academic spheres (20). In the Netherlands, this sentiment has influenced university elections. The newly formed anti-woke student party ChangeVU recently secured major victories at the University of Amsterdam (21). Meanwhile, political figures have weighed in, with PVV parliament member Reinder Blauw expressing that political activism in academia as a threat to scientific integrity (22).

Beyond woke and anti–woke: academic pluralism

So, how should academia respond? Some argue that academia is inherently activist, with a responsibility to provide a critical view towards societal norms and politics. Opponents argue that universities should not be regarded as political institutions and instead should function as neutral platforms for debate, ensuring all perspectives can be heard without institutional bias (23). However, according to Bertram–Troost, a completely politically free educational environment does not exist and should therefore not be desired. She believes that imposing political viewpoints on others, as well as denying that all education carries some political viewpoints, limit the space for free human development (24). After all, is the academic climate truly neutral if we simply maintain the status quo and return to open discussions and academic freedom? That is why, political theorist Enzo Rossie offers a middle ground: universities should neither be activist nor neutral, but pluralistic (25). Pluralism is defined by scholars as the recognition of social diversity, where conflicting and competing positions—such as ethical, cultural and political differences—can exist and should not be reduced to a single perspective, and are instead acknowledged as irreducible and persistent (26). This means that, according to Rossie, universities should foster a diversity of perspectives and specifically allow for them to openly be debated about in a respectful manner without suppressing any specific viewpoint—whether that may be activistic or neutral (27). By embracing pluralism, universities can create an environment where diverse ideas and perspectives are exchanged and respected and can constructively be disagreed upon, fostering open discussions, innovation and critical thinking (28).

Perhaps, as a first step, it’s time to abandon the labels ‘woke’ and ‘anti-woke’. These terms reduce complex discussions to polarized extremes, fueling division rather than understanding. After all, the real threat to academia—and society—isn’t differing opinions, but the growing unwillingness to engage with them (29). Shall we?

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  1. Guus Valk. “Het is zover: ‘antiwoke’ heeft ‘woke’ volledig in de tang”. NRC, 31 January 2025. https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2025/01/31/het-is-zover-antiwoke-heeft-woke-volledig-in-de-tang-a4881613
  2. Guus Valk. “Het is zover: ‘antiwoke’ heeft ‘woke’ volledig in de tang”. NRC, 31 January 2025. https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2025/01/31/het-is-zover-antiwoke-heeft-woke-volledig-in-de-tang-a4881613
  3. Jeroen Hopster. “Moreel dilemma: moeten universiteiten politiek stelling nemen?”. FilosofieMagazine, 14 May 2024. https://www.filosofie.nl/moreel-dilemma-moeten-universiteiten-politiek-stelling-nemen/
  4. Enzo Rossi. “Universiteiten kunnen niet politiek neutraal zijn, maar wel pluralistisch”. JacobinNederland, 5 October 2024. https://jacobin.nl/universiteiten-kunnen-niet-politiek-neutraal-zijn-maar-wel-pluralistisch/
  5. Erasmus University Rotterdam. “Woke cultuur en academische vrijheid”. Erasmus University Rotterdam, 31 January 2023. https://www.eur.nl/esphil/nieuws/woke-cultuur-en-academische-vrijheid ; Gerdien Bertram-Troost. “Politiek neutraal onderwijs bestaat niet”. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 8 October 2024. https://vu.nl/nl/nieuws/2024/politiek-neutraal-onderwijs-bestaat-niet
  6. Gerdien Bertram-Troost. “Politiek neutraal onderwijs bestaat niet”. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 8 October 2024. https://vu.nl/nl/nieuws/2024/politiek-neutraal-onderwijs-bestaat-niet
  7. Guus Valk. “Het is zover: ‘antiwoke’ heeft ‘woke’ volledig in de tang”. NRC, 31 January 2025. https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2025/01/31/het-is-zover-antiwoke-heeft-woke-volledig-in-de-tang-a4881613
  8. Guus Valk. “Het is zover: ‘antiwoke’ heeft ‘woke’ volledig in de tang”. NRC, 31 January 2025. https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2025/01/31/het-is-zover-antiwoke-heeft-woke-volledig-in-de-tang-a4881613
  9. Guus Valk. “Het is zover: ‘antiwoke’ heeft ‘woke’ volledig in de tang”. NRC, 31 January 2025. https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2025/01/31/het-is-zover-antiwoke-heeft-woke-volledig-in-de-tang-a4881613
  10. Georgy van Hal. “Terwijl universiteiten het academisch jaar openen, nemen de zorgen toe: dit zijn de drie grote uitdagingen”. de Volkskrant, 2 September 2024. https://www.volkskrant.nl/binnenland/terwijl-universiteiten-het-academisch-jaar-openen-nemen-de-zorgen-toe-dit-zijn-de-drie-grote-uitdagingen~b75fa0ed/
  11. Jeroen Hopster. “Moreel dilemma: moeten universiteiten politiek stelling nemen?”. FilosofieMagazine, 14 May 2024. https://www.filosofie.nl/moreel-dilemma-moeten-universiteiten-politiek-stelling-nemen/
  12. NOS. “Toch studentenprotest in Utrecht, ondanks oproep van de gemeente om weg te blijven”. NOS, 14 November 2024. https://nos.nl/artikel/2544475-toch-studentenprotest-in-utrecht-ondanks-oproep-van-de-gemeente-om-weg-te-blijven ; Jule Forth. ”Gaza-protesten op universiteiten leiden tot discussie onder academici: 'Studenten zien het vreselijk zwart-wit'”. EenVandaag, 17 May 2024. https://eenvandaag.avrotros.nl/item/gaza-protesten-op-universiteiten-leiden-tot-discussie-onder-academici-studenten-zien-het-vreselijk-zwart-wit/
  13. DUB. “Politiek bemoeit zich met academische vrijheid“. DUB, 5 February 2025. https://dub.uu.nl/nl/nieuws/politiek-bemoeit-zich-met-academische-vrijheid
  14. Gerdien Bertram-Troost. “Politiek neutraal onderwijs bestaat niet”. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 8 October 2024. https://vu.nl/nl/nieuws/2024/politiek-neutraal-onderwijs-bestaat-niet
  15. Marjorie van Elven. “Is “woke” a threat to academic freedom?”. DUB, 19 May 2022. https://dub.uu.nl/en/depth/woke-threat-academic-freedom-part1 ; Laurens Buijs. “Woke cultuur bedreigt de academische vrijheid bij sociale wetenschappen”. Folia, 18 January 2023. https://www.folia.nl/opinie/155109/woke-cultuur-bedreigt-de-academische-vrijheid-bij-sociale-wetenschappen
  16. Guus Valk. “Het is zover: ‘antiwoke’ heeft ‘woke’ volledig in de tang”. NRC, 31 January 2025. https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2025/01/31/het-is-zover-antiwoke-heeft-woke-volledig-in-de-tang-a4881613
  17. De Telegraaf. “Auteur woke-woordenboek: ‘Meer mensen moeten opstaan tegen woke’”. De Telegraaf, 14 April 2022. https://www.telegraaf.nl/nieuws/1337031164/auteur-woke-woordenboek-meer-mensen-moeten-opstaan-tegen-woke
  18. DUB. “Politiek bemoeit zich met academische vrijheid“. DUB, 5 February 2025. https://dub.uu.nl/nl/nieuws/politiek-bemoeit-zich-met-academische-vrijheid
  19. Erasmus University Rotterdam. “Woke cultuur en academische vrijheid”. Erasmus University Rotterdam, 31 January 2023. https://www.eur.nl/esphil/nieuws/woke-cultuur-en-academische-vrijheid
  20. Guus Valk. “Het is zover: ‘antiwoke’ heeft ‘woke’ volledig in de tang”. NRC, 31 January 2025. https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2025/01/31/het-is-zover-antiwoke-heeft-woke-volledig-in-de-tang-a4881613
  21. Guus Valk. “Het is zover: ‘antiwoke’ heeft ‘woke’ volledig in de tang”. NRC, 31 January 2025. https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2025/01/31/het-is-zover-antiwoke-heeft-woke-volledig-in-de-tang-a4881613
  22. Enzo Rossi. “Universiteiten kunnen niet politiek neutraal zijn, maar wel pluralistisch”. JacobinNederland, 5 October 2024. https://jacobin.nl/universiteiten-kunnen-niet-politiek-neutraal-zijn-maar-wel-pluralistisch/ ; Marcel Oosterwijk. “Woke is geen bedreiging voor wetenschap, polarisatie wel”. BNNVARA, 9 February 2023. https://www.bnnvara.nl/joop/artikelen/woke-is-geen-bedreiging-voor-wetenschap-polarisatie-wel
  23. Jeroen Hopster. “Moreel dilemma: moeten universiteiten politiek stelling nemen?”. FilosofieMagazine, 14 May 2024. https://www.filosofie.nl/moreel-dilemma-moeten-universiteiten-politiek-stelling-nemen/
  24. Gerdien Bertram-Troost. “Politiek neutraal onderwijs bestaat niet”. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 8 October 2024. https://vu.nl/nl/nieuws/2024/politiek-neutraal-onderwijs-bestaat-niet
  25. Enzo Rossi. “Universiteiten kunnen niet politiek neutraal zijn, maar wel pluralistisch”. JacobinNederland, 5 October 2024. https://jacobin.nl/universiteiten-kunnen-niet-politiek-neutraal-zijn-maar-wel-pluralistisch/
  26. Carla Yumatle “Pluralism’”. Harvard University, 2015. https://scholar.harvard.edu/files/cyumatle/files/c.yumatle-pluralism.pdf
  27. Enzo Rossi. “Universiteiten kunnen niet politiek neutraal zijn, maar wel pluralistisch”. JacobinNederland, 5 October 2024. https://jacobin.nl/universiteiten-kunnen-niet-politiek-neutraal-zijn-maar-wel-pluralistisch/
  28. Enzo Rossi. “Universiteiten kunnen niet politiek neutraal zijn, maar wel pluralistisch”. JacobinNederland, 5 October 2024. https://jacobin.nl/universiteiten-kunnen-niet-politiek-neutraal-zijn-maar-wel-pluralistisch/
  29. Marcel Oosterwijk. “Woke is geen bedreiging voor wetenschap, polarisatie wel”. BNNVARA, 9 February 2023. https://www.bnnvara.nl/joop/artikelen/woke-is-geen-bedreiging-voor-wetenschap-polarisatie-wel

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